16 Baffling House Photos, Taken By Baffled Agents, That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head In Bafflement

Once again, our faithful followers have sent photos in from around the world, giving us a look into the bizarre things one can find within homes of random strangers. So whether you’re in the mood to scratch your head in bewilderment, or just have a laugh (we bet it’ll be both), these photos will certainly entertain you.
1. This high-tech security system will also protect this home from getting sold.

Via: Stephanie Wetzstein
2. These fancy supports must be there to distract from the unsightly plumbing.

Via: Chrissy Vaselaros-Stevenson
3. Because moving the thermostat is just WAAAY too much work.

Via: Craig Fialkowski
4. Go from hot meal to hot tub in mere seconds!

Via: Jordan Hoskins
5. “I just can’t figure out why the pizza always tastes like Cascade!”

Via: Julie Kelly Knight
6. Lots of storage… for things you’ll never need again.

Via: Kelly Convirs Fowler
7. Exactly at what point does it become overkill?

Via: Laurine McClue
8. Before recessed lighting was cool.

Photo and caption sent in by: Lindsay Reid
9. If it overflows, who do you call first — a plumber or carpet cleaner?

Via: Lynn Weber
10. Grandiose staircase with magnificent views!

Via: Nelya Calev
11. Proof that Herbie really did go bananas. (1980 movie reference, you whippersnappers)

Via: Odedd Dayan
12. As seen on H(illbilly)GTV

Via: Ryan C. Sanford
13. Meet Happy, the town’s most intimidating guard dog.

Via: Name
14. Possibly the most voyeur-friendly bathroom I’ve ever seen.

Via: Steve Noga
15. In case your misbehaving husband requires an extended-stay doghouse.

Via: Susan Hayes Perzigian
16. “You had ONE job!”